Tutorial - Make someone look taller

Issue: Make someone look taller using Photo Pos Pro optical effects (figure no. 1)
Make someone look taller
    figure no.1

In order to make someone look taller, simply follow these steps:
  1. Open the desired photo - (Click on File -> Open menu or Ctrl+O, figure no.2)

    Make someone look taller
    figure no.2

  2. In order to achieve the effect click on Effercts -> Optics -> Short/Tall Funny Mirror... menu, this will open the Short/Tall Funny Mirror dialog box (figure no.3)

    Make someone look taller
    figure no.3

    The dialog box have three major controls:
    1. Level - Controls the level of the optical effect
    2. Radius (%) - Control the radius range of the effect, the most affect will take over the centeral point and will fade down as getting close to the radius boundary range
    3. Center Y (%) - Sets up the center point where the effect starts
  3. Always start with setting up the central point of the effect, once the central point sets up you can set the level and the amount of the desired radius, on this example we used 85% for the Center Y, -20 for the Level and 250% for the radius, click OK when done (figure no.3)
  • Finally you should get the result - a taller person (figure no.4)

    Make someone look taller
    figure no.2

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